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Canadian Natural Resources Limited - MV2000A0032

complete exploratory drilling and testing east of Fort Liard.  
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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2000A0032 MV2001A0092 MV2002A0067 - CNRL - Letter to CNRL Return of ILOCs - NGWT Lands - Oct22-15.pdf (126.23 KB)
MV2000A0032 and MV2000L1-0007 - CNRL - No extension to WL and LUP assigned to Anadarko - Aug15-06.pdf (51.74 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Request to NEB for ducuments re assignment - MVLWB - Sept11-13.pdf (61.37 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Request for Reclamationand Stabilization Plans and New LUP Application - May13-08.pdf (189.05 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Replacement LOCs for LUP - Anadarko - Sept29-04.pdf (390.77 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Paramount requesting to remain responsibile for LUP - Jan20-03.pdf (125.84 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - NEB Confirmation of wells site F-56 is in name of CNRL- NEB - Sept12-13.pdf (32.86 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Request from AANDC on confirmation of ownership - Nov 8_13.pdf (64.7 KB)
MV2000A0032 - Amalgamation Documents - ACC to CNR - CNR to CNA - Feb25-11.pdf (593.37 KB)
MV2000A0032- New Land Use Permits Required - May13-08.pdf (236.89 KB)
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Staff Report for Clarification of Permittee - Jan9-14.pdf (165.45 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Confirmation on Permittee - Fort Liard Area - Jan9-14.pdf (213.74 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Anadarko confirming LUP assignment to Anadarko - Anadarko - Nov25-13.pdf (100.56 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Amalgamation Documents for Anadarko to CNR to Canadian Natural - Feb25-11.pdf (439.41 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Confirmation of wellsite F-56 in name of CNRL - Feb16-11.pdf (63.57 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Assignment and Final Plan Request - Aug31-10.pdf (84.12 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Letter of Advice - Assignment - DFO - Jan28-03.pdf (81.98 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Board Meeting Agenda - Item 19 Assignemnt of LUP To Anadarko - Jan22-03.pdf (307.68 KB)
MV2000A0032 - Paramount - Request for assignment to Anadarko - Jan10-03.pdf (156.39 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Assignment Application - Paramount to Anadarko - Jan10-03.pdf (256.37 KB)
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Final Clearance - Staff Report - Oct8-15.pdf (199.25 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Final Clearance Letter - Oct8-15.pdf (78.87 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Final Plan Submission - Jun30-15.pdf (1.64 MB)
MV2000A0032- CNRL - Inspector Recommendation for Closure - Apr4-14.pdf (69.04 KB)
MV2000A0032 - Paramount and CNRL - Correspondence on LUP Ownership - Sept11-13.pdf (25.42 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Final Plan for well F-56 - Nov16-12.pdf (973.83 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Request for Final plan - Nov8-12.pdf (49.97 KB)
MV2000A0032 - Request for Information - Oct06-10.pdf (62.2 KB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2000A0032 - Anadarko - Return of expired ILOC - AANDC - Mar15-14.pdf (84.58 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Letter of Credit for LUP - Anadarko - Jan10-03.pdf (215.93 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2000A0032 - Wellsite Information - INAC - Feb16-11.pdf (37.26 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2000A0032 - Paramount - Preliminary Screening Report - Oct22-02.pdf (759.08 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Inspection Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - May 24 2007 Inspection Report - AANDC - Sept11-07.pdf (393.73 KB)
MV2000A0032 - Paramount - July 31 2013 Inspection Report - Aug20-13.pdf (147.9 KB)
MV2000A0032 - Paramount Resources - final inspection required - AANDC - Feb2-13.pdf (26.15 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNRL - Request for final inspection - Nov16-12 .pdf (2.63 MB)
MV2000A0032 - Inspection Report - Sep11-07.pdf (391.42 KB)
MV2000A0032 - CNLR - January 19 2004 Inspection Report - AANDC - Jan27-04.pdf (165.92 KB)
Progress Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2000A0032 - Field Updates - May23-07.pdf (1.56 MB)