MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment No.6 Request - Withdrawn - Dec 11_20.pdf (41.67 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment No.6 Request - Incomplete - Nov 27_20.pdf (199.42 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment No.6 Application - Nov 17_20.pdf (7.29 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - March 2020 Amendment - DRAFT Permit Conditions - Nov 2_20.docx (91.46 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application Spur Road - Updated Engagement Notification - Oct 2_20.pdf (591.84 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application Spur Road - Engagement Notifications - Sept 16_20.pdf (799.87 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - DRAFT Work Plan - V.1 - June 15_20.pdf (261.72 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Newspaper Advertisement - Notice of Application - Apr 27_20.pdf (1.25 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Mar 17_20.pdf (153.34 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Land Use Permit Amendment Application - March 18_20.pdf (1.35 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Att 11 Water Licence Application - Mar 17_20.pdf (809.82 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - Deemed Incomplete - March 16_20.pdf (250.2 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Requests - Deemed Incomplete - Mar 16_20.pdf (247.37 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Land Use Permit Amendment Application - March 6_20.pdf (1.34 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Mar 6_20.pdf (172.96 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - A 8.2 Fine Detail Construction Plan - Mar 6_20.pdf (15.88 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Att 1 Updated Project Description - Mar 6_20.pdf (9.8 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Att 3 Engagement Records - Mar 6_20.pdf (6.58 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Att 4 Water Quality Model Report - Mar 6_20.pdf (2.53 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Att 6 Operational Water MP V.6 - Mar 6_20.pdf (18.04 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Att 7 PKMRMP V.7 - Mar 6_20.pdf (10.15 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Att 10 Proposed Condition Changes - Mar 6_20.pdf (2.3 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - A 8.1 Fine Detail Construction Plan - Mar 6_20.pdf (11.3 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Att 2 Environmental Screening Report - Mar 6_20.pdf (433 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Att 5 EQC Report - Mar 6_20.pdf (971.07 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Applications - Att 9 Security Closure Estimate - Mar 6_20.pdf (2.76 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Jan 15, 2020 Workshop - Upcoming Amendments - Jan 17_20.pdf (5.54 MB) |
MV2005C0032 MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Type A WL Amendment - Reasons for Decision - Nov7-18.pdf (856.21 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Type A LUP - Amendment - Staff Report and Comments - Nov7-18.pdf (1.66 MB) |
MV2005C0032 MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Type A WL and LUP Amendment - Reasons for Decision - Nov26-18.pdf (734.39 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - March 2018 Amendment - DRAFT Permit Conditions.pdf (285.38 KB) |
MV2005C0032 MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment - Additional Clarification on Application - May 29_18.pdf (145.19 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Initial Reviewer Comments and Responses - May 21_18.pdf (633.77 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - 22(2)(b) for Further Studies Required - April 12_18.pdf (131.84 KB) |
MV2005C0032 MV2005L2-0015 – De Beers Gahcho Kue – March 19, 2018 Amendment Applications - News North Ad - April 9_18.pdf (531.89 KB) |
MV2005C0032 MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment - ORS Notification - April 3_18.pdf (62.32 KB) |
MV2005C0032 MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment - Complete Application - March 29_18.pdf (144 KB) |
MV2005C0032 MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment - Environmental Screening Assessment - March 19_18.pdf (18.74 MB) |
MV2005C0032 MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment - Updated Project Description - March 19_18.pdf (9.75 MB) |
MV2005C0032 MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment - Application and Forms - March 19_18.pdf (1023.64 KB) |
MV2005C0032 MV2005L2-0015 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment - Mine Rock Management Alternatives Analysis - March 19_18.pdf (12.65 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Receipt for Amendment Application Fee - C153046 - Feb23-18.pdf (167.79 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment 2 - Staff Report and Comments - Jun7-17.pdf (1.11 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment A2 North Berm withdrawl - May26-17.pdf (66.5 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Notice of Additional Information for Amendment Application - May9-17.pdf (79.65 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - Deemed Complete - Apr27-17.pdf (688.48 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Dyke Construction Management Plan Dykes B, D, E, and Perimeter Berms(V.2) - April 17_17.pdf (19.41 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Final Detailed Design Plan Dykes B, D, E, F, and Perimeter Berms (V.2) - April 17_17.pdf (51.05 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Operational Water Management Plan (Version 4) - April 17_17.pdf (36.33 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Processed Kimberlite and Mine Rock Management Plan (Version 5) - April 17_17.pdf (51.57 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - Deemed Complete - Apr 27_17.pdf (329.67 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Land Use Permit Amendment - April 17_17.pdf (554.64 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Land Use Permit Amendment - Supplemental Information - April 17_17.pdf (2.2 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Explosives Management Plan (Version 4) - April 17_17.pdf (54.93 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Dyke Construction Management Plan Dykes A1, F, G, H, I, J, K, and L (V.3) - April 17_17.pdf (23.83 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Receipt - Amendment App Fee - Apr27-17.pdf (101.67 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment - Staff Report and Comments - Mar3-17.pdf (640.03 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - Engagement Notifications - Feb 24_17.pdf (378.21 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application Fee Receipt - C153010 - Jan31-17.pdf (147.54 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - Engagement Log - Jan 23_17.pdf (196.7 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - Deemed Complete - Jan20-17.pdf (672.13 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - Jan 19_17.pdf (451.92 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - Supporting Information - Jan 19_17.pdf (13.88 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - Jan 16_17.pdf (461.19 KB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - Supporting Information - Jan 16_17.pdf (11.62 MB) |
MV2005C0032 - De Beers Gahcho Kue - Amendment Application - Engagement Notifications - Jan 13_17.pdf (221.12 KB) |