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Ur-Energy Inc. - MV2006C0019

see Environmental screening study for Ur-Energy Inc. To conduct uranium exploration drilling at Screech Lake. Five (5) initial drill holes are proposed. If the results are positive a maximum of 20 drill holes may be developed over the course of the two years. Sent to MVEIRB for environmental assessment. Application withdrawn - June 27, 2005  
Uploaded On or After
Uploaded On or Before
Displaying 1 - 24 of 24
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV06C19- Upper Thelon Land and Resource Management Plan Status Report.pdf (306.92 KB)
MV06C12-19- Akaitcho IMA Office re Consultation and EA referral Inconsistencies-Aug06.pdf (210.13 KB)
xxMV06C19-EM-LKFN-ConfirmofLetters-Aug06.pdf (13.14 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV06C19-StaffReport-Nov19-07.pdf (319.8 KB)
xxMV06C19-faxcov-CopyofApp-Aug06.pdf (1.18 MB)
MV2006C0019 - Staff Report - Aug29-06.pdf (3.81 MB)
MV06C19-CompleteAppLtr-Jul06.pdf (170.24 KB)
Mv2006C0019-App-Jul06.pdf (14.23 MB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV06C19- LKDFN Site Visit and assorted correspondence - Aug06.pdf (89.32 KB)
MV06C19-fax-RequestExtensionComment-Aug06.pdf (4.84 MB)
MV06C19- DKFN requests consultation-Aug06.pdf (187.5 KB)
MV06C19-EM-RevCom-DavidPelly-Aug06.pdf (455.05 KB)
MV06C19-EM-Ur-Energy-ResponsetoHealth-Aug06.pdf (54.92 KB)
MV06C19-ApplicationReviewRequest-Jul06.pdf (112.7 KB)
Environmental Assessment
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV06C19-Ltr-LSeale-DIAND-Oct07.pdf (300.18 KB)
MV06C19-RFD-INAC-Oct07.pdf (318.59 KB)
MV06C19- INAC (Bob Overvold) re MVEIRB RFD on EA Information Requests - Mar07.pdf (277.86 KB)
MV06C19-fax-T8TC-ResponsetoEA-Nov06.pdf (239.37 KB)
MV06C19-fax-DKFN-PartyStatus-EIRB-EA-Oct06.pdf (221.75 KB)
MV2006C0019 - Referral to EA - Letter - MVEIRB - Sep09-06.pdf (945.69 KB)
MV2006C0019- Referral to EA - Aug31-06.pdf (1.34 MB)
Withdrawal - Return - Denial
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV06C19-LUPRefusal-Nov28-07.pdf (162.26 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Inspection Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2006C0019 - Environmental Inspection Report - INAC - Jul03-08.pdf (81.37 KB)
Progress Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2006C0019 - Onsite Fuel Storage - Aug24-09.pdf (43.11 KB)