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GNWT-INF - MV2010X0006

ongoing operation and maintenance of existing Hwy #3 and 4  
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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-INF - Final Clearance - Board Decision Letter - Oct12-17.pdf (266.78 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Extension Approval Letter - May22-15.pdf (158.52 KB)
MV2010X0006-StopWorkOrder-Aug20-10.pdf (103.97 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Quarry Permit No. 2010QP0110 - July06-10.pdf (188.17 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Issuance Letter to Distribution List - Jun01-10.pdf (156.27 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Issuance Letter with Conditions - May27-10.pdf (191.98 KB)
External Authorizations
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Issuance of Quarry Permit 2017QP0007 - GNWT Lands - Mar1-17.pdf (404.14 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Final QP Return - 2015QP0013 - Verification - GNWT Lands - Jan13-17.pdf (115.18 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Receipt of QP Application - GNWT Lands - Jan13-17.pdf (112.84 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - New QP Issuance Letter - GNWT Lands - Apr25-16.pdf (255.22 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Final QP Return - 2015QP0012 - Verification - GNWT Lands - Apr11-16.pdf (72.68 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Receipt of Quarry Permit Application - GNWT Lands - Mar9-16.pdf (59.38 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - New Quarry Permit Application - Akaitcho Consultation - GNWT Lands - Mar9-16.pdf (129.01 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT DOT - Final QP Return - Verification of 2015QP0011 - GNWT Lands - Feb8-16.pdf (62.5 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - New QP issuance - 2015QP0027 - GNWT Lands - Jun26-15.pdf (231.74 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - QP Issuance 2015QP0020 - GNWT Lands - May26-15.pdf (235.48 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Quarry Permit Application - Consultation - GNWT Lands - May12-15.pdf (142.55 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT - DOT - Issuance of updated QP 2015QP0012 - GNWT Lands - May7-15.pdf (247.35 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Issuance of QP 2015QP0012 - GNWT Lands - Apr13-15.pdf (225.92 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - QP Issuance 2015QP0011 - GNWT Lands - Apr9-15.pdf (235.58 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Final QP verification - 2014QP0025 - GNWT Lands - Mar13-15.pdf (59.57 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Final QP 2014QP0024 - Final Verification - GNWT Lands - Mar13-15.pdf (59.5 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - QP Application Acknowledgement letter - Feb26-15.pdf (135.93 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Receipt of QP Application and Consultation - Feb23-15.pdf (204.24 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Final QP Return - Verification - GNWT Lands - Feb16-15.pdf (50.91 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Final QP Pit return 2014QP0001 - Verification - GNWT Lands - Dec18-14.pdf (59.82 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Final QP Return - Verification - Jun20-14.pdf (52.48 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Final Quarry Pit verification - GNWT-Lands - May15-14.pdf (55.74 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Receipt of QP Application - GNWT Lands - Apr9-15.pdf (144.2 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - AANDC Issued QP 2014QP0013 - Feb28-14.pdf (203.52 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - AANDC Issuance of QP 2014QP0001 - Jan8-14.pdf (213.27 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Notification to Distribution List of New QP Application - AANDC - Nov19-13.pdf (1.81 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Issuance of QP 2013QP0082 - AANDC - Jul5-13.pdf (207.02 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT - DOT - Quarry Permit 2012QP0059 Final Verification - AANDC - Jun14-13.pdf (50.39 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT - DOT - Quarry PermitApplication - Request for comments - AANDC - May23-13.pdf (1.81 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT - DOT - QPA - Receipt of Quarry Permit Application - AANDC - May22-13.pdf (50.63 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Request for review and comments New QP Application - AANDC - Feb8-13.pdf (2.49 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Receipt of Quarry Permit Application - AANDC - Feb8-13.pdf (81.45 KB)
MV2010X0006 - AANDC Issued QP 2012QP0059 - May29-12.pdf (55.21 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Quarry Permit Application - Apr13-12.pdf (1.95 MB)
Final Closure and Reclamation Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006 - GNWT- INF - Hwy No.3 Km 200 - 338.8 Hwy No.4 Km 0 to 69 - Revised Final Plan - Aug1-17.pdf (4.19 MB)
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-INF - Final Clearance - Staff Report - Oct12-17.pdf (288.18 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT - INF - Recommendation from GNWT - Inspector - Aug8-17.pdf (12.99 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-INF - FINAL PLAN - Inspector comments - Follow up required - Jul25-17.pdf (81.36 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-INF - Final Plan Submission - Jul14-17.pdf (3.67 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-INF - Request for Final Inspection - Jul17-17.pdf.pdf (3.91 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Request for final plan - May24-17.pdf (289.76 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DoT - QP0001 Quarry Pit Closure - Dec18-14.pdf (263.16 KB)
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006 - GNWT - Dept of Infrastructure - Name Change - Staff Report - May25-17.pdf (352.57 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT - Dept of Infrastructure - Acceptance - Name Change Approval - May25-17.pdf (601.99 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-INF - Notification of Name Change - GNWT-INF - May2-17.pdf (149.53 KB)
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006 - Request for Extension to meet Condition 62 - Aug20-10.pdf (213.66 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006- As Builts- Nov05-10.pdf (455.89 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Staff Report - Aug25-10.pdf (111.35 KB)
MV2010X0006 - INAC Issued QP - May28-10.pdf (2.41 MB)
MV2010X0006 - Staff Report - May27-10.pdf (107.72 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Application Deemed Complete - Apr16-10.pdf (161.81 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Staff Report on Transboundary Application - Apr15-10.pdf (137.62 KB)
MV2010X0006 - NEW LUP Application - Mar26-10.pdf (47.59 MB)
MV2010X0006 - Application Deemed Incomplete - Mar11-10.pdf (220.52 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006 - Comment Received - EC - May10-10.pdf (51.89 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Comment received - NWTMN - May10 - 10.pdf (50.65 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Comment Received - INAC - May06-10.pdf (78.06 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Comment Received - INAC - Apr23-10.pdf (84.33 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Request for Comments - Apr16-10.pdf (527.24 KB)
MV2010X0006 - Request for Comments from NWTMN - Apr16-10.pdf (89.37 KB)
MV2010X0006 - NWTMN Correspondence with GNWT - Mar23-10.pdf (73.61 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006 - Preliminary Screening Report - May27-10.pdf (210.81 KB)
4. Permit Extension Request
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006 - GNWT - DOT- Extension Request - Staff Report and Comments - May21-15.pdf (300.41 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Extension Request and Engagement Plan - Apr1-15.pdf (349.14 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Request for comments on LUP Extension Request - Apr16-15.pdf (315.68 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Inspection Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Highways - Inspection Report for May 9 2017 - GNWT Lands - May19-17.pdf (12.23 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT DOT - Response to Inspection Report for November 25 2016 - Dec2-16.pdf (77.6 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Inspection Report for November 25 2016 - GNWT Lands - Dec1-16.pdf (1.99 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-Highways - Inspection Report for November 18 2016 - GNWT Lands - Nov21-16.pdf (1.22 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Inspection Report for September 21 2016 GNWT Lands - Sept23-16.pdf (1.26 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Inspection Report for August 24 2016 - GNWT Lands - Aug24-16.pdf (1.58 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Inspection Report for July 6 2016 - GNWT Lands - Jul7-16.pdf (2.56 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - October 27 2015 Inspection Report - GNWT Lands - Oct30-15.pdf (1.39 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Highway Division - September 9 2015 Inspection Report - GNWT Lands - Sept17-15.pdf (1.21 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-Highways - September 2 2015 Inspection Report - GNWT Lands - Sept3-15.pdf (2.78 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - July 10 2015 Inspection Report - GNWT Lands - Jul14-15.pdf (1.94 MB)
MV2010X0006 - - GNWT-DOT - November 18 2014 - Inspection Report - GNWT Lands - Nov24-14.pdf (1.72 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - October 21 2014 Inspection Report - GNWT Lands - Oct22-14.pdf (2.62 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Response to October 21 2014 Inspection Report - GNWT-DOT - Oct22-14.pdf (151.68 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT -October 16 2014 Inspection Report - GNWT Lands - Oct17-14.pdf (585.39 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - September 25 2014 Inspection Report - GNWT Lands - Sept29-14.pdf (1.23 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Follow up to August 12 2014 Inspection Report - GNWT Lands - Sept17-14.pdf (90.85 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - September 16 2014 Inspection Report - GNWT Lands - Sept17-14.pdf (1.49 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - August 27 2014 Inspection Report - GNWT Lands - Aug28-14.pdf (832.36 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Correspondence from August 27 2014 Inspection Report - Aug27-14.pdf (111.79 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - July 16 2014 Inspection Report - GNWT-Lands Jul17-14.pdf (1.24 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Response to July 16 2014 Inspection Report - GNWT-DOT - Jul17-14.pdf (81.75 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - June 24 2014 Inspection Report - Jun25-14.pdf (1.95 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Follow up to November 8 2013 Inspection Report - AANDC - Nov18-13.pdf (551.24 KB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - November 8 2013 Inspection Report - Nov12-13.pdf (1.16 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - Follow up on Oct 8 2013 Inspection - AANDC - Oct15-13.pdf (448.79 KB)
MV2010X0006 - RTL response to Sept 5 2013 Inspection Report - Sept6-13.pdf (2.75 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT - DOT - September 4 2013 Inspection Report - AANDC - Sept5-13.pdf (1.38 MB)
MV2010X0006 - GNWT-DOT - July 23 2013 Inspection Report - Jul24-13.pdf (2.01 MB)