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GNWT-INF - MV2024E0003

​The continuous and ongoing operation and maintenance of the existing NWT Public Highway system within thepermit area along the Yellowknife Highway (NWT No.3) between kilometre 200 and kilometre 338.8 (end of Highway #3) and along the Ingraham Trail (NWT No.4) between kilometre 0 (lntersection with the Yellowknife Highway at km 337.3) and km 69.2 (Tibbitt Lake - the end of the Highway) Corridor and includes the Community Access Roads for Behchoko (Rae) and Dettah and other minor roads along the Yellowknife Highway -Ingraham Trail Corridor.

Previously Permitted under MV2017X0008.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
External Authorizations
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GNWT - INF - Quarry Permit -2400085T - May16_23.pdf (500.56 KB)
GNWT - INF - Quarry Permit Application Issuance from GNWT - May10_24.pdf (53.48 KB)
GNWT - INF - Quarry Permit from GNWT - May13_24.pdf (61.79 KB)