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Government of the Yukon - MV2024F0033

Use of Fort Liard River Landing and Kotaneelee Road for the well abandonment and decommissioning activities at the Kotaneelee Field.  Associated Water Licence: MV2024L8-0009


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Gov Yukon - DRAFT Conditions - Land Use Permit Board Staff - Nov19_24.pdf (267.33 KB)
Gov Yukon - Receipt - Application Fee - Oct 15_24.pdf (52.05 KB)
Gov Yukon - News Papaer Ad - Oct28_24.pdf (298.1 KB)
Gov Yukon - Exemption Request based on MV2017E0015 - Oct17_24.pdf (170.33 KB)
Gov Yukon - Engagement Recod - Oct17_24.pdf (51.89 KB)
Gov Yukon - Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan - Oct17_24.pdf (267.88 KB)
Gov Yukon - Engagement Plan - Oct17_24.pdf (45.3 KB)
Gov Yukon - Access to Road From Paramount - Oct17_24.pdf (125.75 KB)
Gov Yukon - Exemption Request based on MV2017L8-003 - Oct17_24.pdf (191.65 KB)
Gov Yukon - Barge Landing Plan - Oct17_24.pdf (230.89 KB)
Gov Yukon- Waste Management Plan - Oct17_24.pdf (1.41 MB)
Gov Yukon - Spill Contingency Plan - Oct17_24.pdf (4.54 MB)
Gov Yukon - Maps - Oct17_24.pdf (1.65 MB)
Gov Yukon - Security Template - Oct17_24.pdf (145.18 KB)
Gov Yukon - Land Use Permit Application - Oct17_24.pdf (615.25 KB)
Further Study Requested Sec. 22.2.b
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Gov Yukon – Notification – Timeline Pause - Nov21_24.pdf (200.56 KB)