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Arctic Kingdom Wilderness Lodge Holdings Inc. - MV2024J0026

​Land Use Permit renewal for Blachford Lake Lodge

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Displaying 1 - 31 of 31
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Arctic Kingdom – Issuance - Type A Land Use Permit - Nov1_24.pdf (1.16 MB)
External Authorizations
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Arctic Kingdom - Waste deposit authorization from City of Yellowknife - Nov20_24.pdf (571.63 KB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Arctic Kingdom - ECC-GNWT letter of acceptance for security deposit - Nov19_24.pdf (340.33 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Arctic Kingdom - Notification of renewal Application in News North - Aug5_24.pdf (9.36 MB)
Arctic Kingdom - Information Requests - Sep9_24.pdf (280.7 KB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewl - Receipt - Application Fee - Jul8_24.pdf (32.61 KB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Cover Letter - Jul15_24.pdf (109.33 KB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - City of YK SWDF Acceptance Letter - Jul24_24.pdf (398.04 KB)
Arctiv Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Engagement Log V2 - Jul24_24.pdf (63.8 KB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Land Use Permit Application V2 - Jul24_24.pdf (534.61 KB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Incomplete Letter - Permit - Jul23_2024.pdf (196.64 KB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Land Use Permit Application - Jul15_24.pdf (651.27 KB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Spill Contingency Plan V1 - Jul15_24.pdf (1.08 MB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Site Maps - Jul15_24.pdf (15.71 MB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Engagement Plan V1 - Jul15_24.pdf (1.19 MB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Engagement Log V1 - Jul15_24.pdf (63.75 KB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Certificate of Incorporation and operating licenses - Jul15_24.pdf (5.56 MB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Waste Management Plan V1 - Jul15_24.pdf (755.97 KB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Lease Documents - Jul15_24.pdf (5.35 MB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - 2022 Financial Statements - Jul15_24.pdf (476.79 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Arctic Kingdom – Information Request - Review Comment Table - Nov1_24.pdf (338.72 KB)
Arctic Kingdom – Application and Conditions - Review Comment Table - Nov1_24.pdf (515.98 KB)
Arctic Kingdom - Responses to Information Requests - Part 1 of 2 - Sep16_24.pdf (15.32 MB)
Arctic Kingdom - Responses to Information Requests edited RECLAIM - Part 2 of 2 - Sept16_24.xlsm (487.47 KB)
Arctic Kingdom - BLL Renewal - Board staff draft Permit conditions - Jul30_24.pdf (340.15 KB)
Further Study Requested Sec. 22.2.b
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Arctic Kingdom – BLL Renewal - Notice of Timeline Pause - Aug26_24.pdf (182.67 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Arctic Kingdom – Notification - Preliminary Screening Determination - Nov1_24.pdf (203.12 KB)
5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Arctic Kingdom - Notification and acknowledgement of site activities - Nov28_24.pdf (261.9 KB)
6. Management Plans
Spill - Contingency - Emergency Response
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Arctic Kingdom - Spill Contingency Plan V2 - Dec6_24.pdf (1.57 MB)
Arctic Kingdom - Notification of staff conformity for Spill Contingency Plan V2 - Dec16_24.pdf (414.58 KB)
Waste Management Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Arctic Kingdom - Waste Management Plan V2 - Dec6_24.pdf (2.59 MB)