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Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. - N1L2-0040

Con Mine - Processing of arsenic sludge and associated uses    
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Displaying 1 - 100 of 352
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 --MV07L8-25- NSMA re Goundwater and Soil Quality-Jun07.pdf (39.29 KB)
xxN1L2-0040-EM-DisListforCon-Dec06.pdf (50.93 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-Samples-Aug06.pdf (2.75 MB)
N1L2-0040-EM-RevisedFigures-Apr06.pdf (3.46 MB)
N1L2-0040-EM-GIS files for Download-Apr06.pdf (39.69 KB)
ccN1L2-0040-RequestForReviewofInspectorsDirection-Jul05.pdf (499.62 KB)
N1L2-0040-Ltr-ReqForRevOfDirection-Jul05.pdf (151.54 KB)
N1L2-0040-Ltr-LeaseRevComMACA-Feb05.pdf (223.01 KB)
N1L2-0040-Ltr-WaterfrontLease8660-T-Feb05.pdf (181.44 KB)
N1L2-0040-Ltr-YKDFN-Response-Feb05.pdf (465.54 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-AddInfo-Jan05.pdf (203.92 KB)
N1L2-0040-Ltr- MACA re Con Mine Lease- Jan05.pdf (154.63 KB)
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 -Roaster Complex Decostruction and Underwater Stabilization - WL Application - 2nd Draft - Nov28-12.pdf (37.79 MB)
N1L2-0040 --60 Day Amendment to Term-Approved-Nov07.pdf (239.8 KB)
N1L2-0040 -SNP Modifications-Jul07.pdf (306.64 KB)
N1L2-0040 - Staff Report - SNP Amend - Jul26-07.pdf (129.5 KB)
N1L2-0040-AmendmentApproved-Jul06.pdf (4.09 MB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Amendment - Term Extended- from Jul29-06 to Jan30-08.pdf (2.98 MB)
N1L2-0040-SRpt-DirectionAppeal-Oct05.pdf (359.02 KB)
N1L2-0040-Ltr-RequestAppealSection37-Jun05.pdf (1.37 MB)
N1L2-0040-WaterLicense Renewal - Jul30-00 to Jul29-06.pdf (679.59 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Renewal- Jul30-00- Jul29-06.pdf (886.95 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Renewal- Jun1- 95- Jul30- 00- Jun16-2000.pdf (124.83 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Reason For Decision- Amend Apr25-96- May 30-1996.pdf (48.54 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Renewal- Jun1-95- May31-00- Jun1995.pdf (555.42 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL-Reason For Decision- Re- Application Sep21-94- Jun-1995.pdf (81.01 KB)
N1L2-0040 - NWT Waters Act implemented- Type A WL Designation --LtrJul16-93.pdf (272.72 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL-SNP- Amendment Corrected- Mar1-1993.pdf (143.83 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- SNP- Amended Mar1-1992.pdf (139.86 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Renewal- Jun1-1990- May31-1995.pdf (615.91 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Jun1-1986- May31-1990.pdf (469.11 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Jun1-1980- May31-1986.pdf (495.48 KB)
N1L2-0040 - WL- Mar1-1977- Feb29-1980.pdf (417.79 KB)
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
xxN1L2-0040-EM-LtrReqExt-Dec05.pdf (406.78 KB)
N1L2-0040-SRpt-RequestAmend-Aug05.pdf (824.72 KB)
N1L2-0040- Application for Extension to Sep30-08 (received by email Jun26-05).pdf (107.19 KB)
N1L2-0040- Application for Extension to Sep30-08 (received Jun26-05).pdf (228.33 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040-EM-NSMA-questions-Renewal-Jan07.pdf (38.92 KB)
N1L2-0040-Fax-ENR-RevCom-PrelimScreening-Nov05.pdf (892.32 KB)
N1L2-0040-ltr-ExtnRevs-CityYK-Oct05.pdf (5.08 MB)
Environmental Assessment
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040- MCML response to City of YK (May16)- May25-06.pdf (1 MB)
N1L2-0040-fax-Environmental Assessment in Regards to Jul05 Extension Application-Apr06.pdf (1.12 MB)
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 - Approval for Concrete Caps Jun19-08.pdf (128.63 KB)
N1L2-0040 - Decommissioning Activities -Notification - Nov07.pdf (143.17 KB)
Public Hearing
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-40-MV07L8-25-Public Hearing Postponement and 60-day Extension-Nov07.pdf (355.02 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-NoticeofIntent-AppRenewal-Nov06.pdf (16.41 KB)
N1L2-0040-PHPres-3.pdf (4.55 MB)
N1L2-0040- Extension- Public Hearing Transcripts- Nov9-05.pdf (1.93 MB)
N1L2-0040-PHPres-1.pdf (4.31 MB)
N1L2-0040-PHPres-2.pdf (4.42 MB)
N1L2-0040-PHPres-4.pdf (5.35 MB)
xxnotice of public hearing for website.doc (137.5 KB)
Security and Water Use Fees
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 --AnnWaterUseFeeReceipt-Nov29-07.pdf (73.69 KB)
SNP Program
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 - SNP Program in New WL Question May20-08.pdf (59.87 KB)
N1L2-0040 - SNP Clarification Email May16-08.pdf (52.32 KB)
N1L2-0040 - Clarification of SNP 0025-9 May.01-08.pdf (49.76 KB)
N1L2-0040 -- re Regulatory Overlap on Acute Lethality Sampling for Con Mine-Jul07.pdf (83.14 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 - Staff Report - Nov1-07.pdf (217.23 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
xxN1L2-0040-Fax-2000PrelimScreening-DIAND-Nov05.pdf (1.77 MB)
Public Hearing
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 transcripts - Dr Ward and Keith- Jun04.pdf (3.92 MB)
N1L2-0040 - ARPublicHearingPart1Apr04.pdf (1.46 MB)
3. Amendment Application
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
xxN1L2-0040-fax-CopyofAmendLicense-Jun06.pdf (74.11 KB)
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 - WL- Amendment Application- to extend term from Jun1-95 to May31-02.pdf (103.17 KB)
Environmental Assessment
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040-EM-ReferraltoBoard-Apr06.pdf (50.56 KB)
N1L2-0040-fax-ReferralbyCityofYK-Apr06.pdf (1.77 MB)
5. Reports and Studies
Annual Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 - 2007 Annual SNP Report Received Apr.21-08.pdf (163.43 KB)
N1L2-0040 -Received2006AnnualRpt-Apr07.pdf (155.79 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-AnnualGeotechInspection-Aug06.pdf (5.66 MB)
N1L2-0040-2005ARpt-MMER-EEM-Mar06.pdf (11.15 MB)
N1L2-0040 - (776.72 KB)
N1L2-0040 - 2005ANNUALSNPREPORT.pdf (1.03 MB)
N1L2-0040 - 2005SedimentRemoval-SouthRateLake.pdf (494.8 KB)
N1L2-0040-GeotechInspRpt-ActionPlan-Aug05.pdf (139.56 KB)
N1L2-0040-GeotechInspRpt-Aug05.pdf (4.18 MB)
N1L2-0040 - (831.38 KB)
N1L2-0040 - 2004ANNUALSNPREPORT.pdf (509.5 KB)
N1L2-0040 - Annual Report- 2002- Mar27-03.pdf (2.92 MB)
N1L2-0040 - Annual Report- 1999- Mar21-00.pdf (994.32 KB)
N1L2-0040 - AR-1998-Feb99.pdf (949.45 KB)
N1L2-0040 - AR-1997-Jan98.pdf (1.58 MB)
N1L2-0040 - AR-1996-Feb97.pdf (1.76 MB)
N1L2-0040 - AR-1995-Jan96.pdf (1.1 MB)
N1L2-0040 - AR-1994-Feb95.pdf (1.1 MB)
N1L2-0040 - AR-1993-Feb94.pdf (1.14 MB)
N1L2-0040 - AR-1992-Feb93.pdf (25.44 MB)
N1L2-0040 - AR-1991-Feb92.pdf (1.09 MB)
N1L2-0040 - AR-1990-Feb91.pdf (603 KB)
Designs and As-Builts
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 - C-1 As-Built Drawings Con Mine Jun13-08.pdf (482.31 KB)
N1L2-0040 - As-Built Report - Capping of Mine Openings C-1 Vent Raise - July30-07.pdf (3.01 MB)
N1L2-0040 Construction Drawings - Height Increases for Dams Surrounding Middle Pud Tailings Containment Area- Jun03.pdf (455.23 KB)
Inspection Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 - Inspection Report- Aug23-07.pdf (659.53 KB)
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N1L2-0040 - Meeting for Giant Mine Environmental Management System - Feb28-12.pdf (127.61 KB)
N1L2-0040 - Notification of Discharge at SNP 0040-1 July03-08.pdf (140.59 KB)
N1L2-0040 -- Notification of Intent to Cease Water Treatment Plant Discharge-Sep07.pdf (73.12 KB)
N1L2-0040 --NotificationOfDischarge-Jun07.pdf (36.2 KB)
N1L2-0040 --EM-PCBContaminatedTransformers-Mar07.pdf (809.29 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-MinewaterSample-RobertsonShaft-Sept06.pdf (12.87 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-Notification-CessationofDischarge-Sept06.pdf (153.4 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-MinewaterLevel-RobertsonShaft-Sept06.pdf (13.94 KB)
N1L2-0040-EM-ResultsConToxicityTests-Sept06.pdf (190.47 KB)