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Diavik Diamond Mines (2012) Inc. - N7L2-1645

will involve the construction of dikes adjacent to the east island, transferring of water, followed by open pit mining and possibly later underground mining to excavate kimberlite from four identified economical kimberlite pipes
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5. Reports and Studies
Annual Reports
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
2006 Annual Report - Appendices.pdf (54.71 KB)
F-WasteMgmtPlan-Mar07.pdf (954.03 KB)
I-DustDepositionMonitoring-Mar07.pdf (984.39 KB)
J-CarbonSequestrationStudy-Dec06.pdf (1.35 MB)
K-RevegetationResearchRpt.pdf (704.9 KB)
L-CountryRockTestPile.pdf (137.95 KB)
O-AN-LossMechanismInvestigation-Dec06.pdf (26.61 MB)
Q-WaterMgmtPlan-Mar07.pdf (1.85 MB)
S-WildlifeMonitoringReport-Mar07.pdf (23.28 MB)
N7L2-1645-Revised-05ARpt-GeoInspRpts-Dist-Feb07.pdf (165.91 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-2003-4AEMPAnd2004AR-Jul05.pdf (55.61 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-2004AEMPComments-Jul05.pdf (54.49 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-EC-2004ARComments-Jun05.pdf (380.09 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-Fax-CopiesToLKDFN-IMA-AnnRpt-DDMIResponse-SOP-ConPlan-May05.pdf (169.6 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-04AnnRept-AEMP-May05.pdf (12.33 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-CommentdateSet-04AnnualRpt-May05.pdf (11.43 KB)
N-NIWTPEffluent.pdf (294.25 KB)
O-MeteorologicalData.pdf (814.59 KB)
P-FishTasting.pdf (7.45 MB)
N7L2-1645-2004AnnualReport-Apr05.doc (115 KB)
Q-SlimySculpinreport.pdf (386.19 KB)
05AR-Appendices.pdf (33.69 KB)
B-TabularSummariesforSNPData.pdf (11.66 MB)
C-OperationalPhaseContingencyPlan-Mar06.pdf (994.9 KB)
F-BlastingExplosivesMgmtPlan-Mar05.pdf (287.89 KB)
G-2005SeepageSurveyReport.pdf (19.75 MB)
H-DustReportMarch2006.pdf (1.58 MB)
J-CarbonSequestrationStudyYr1Report.pdf (2.13 MB)
M1-BlastSimulationonRainbowTroutEggsDRAFT.pdf (228.72 KB)
M2-BlastingEffectsonLakeTroutEggs.pdf (278.34 KB)
Q-A418DikeTurbidityMonitoringProgramReport.pdf (40 MB)
A-Graphsfor1645-18.pdf (55.32 KB)
D-HMMPv9-Mar06.pdf (412.53 KB)
E-WasteMgmtPlan_WTAOpPlan-Mar06.pdf (1021.49 KB)
I-PlumeDelineation_AmmoniaFateReport.pdf (14.48 MB)
K-RevegetationAnnualRepor2005.pdf (349.01 KB)
L-CountryRockTestPileUpdate.PDF (1.55 MB)
N-MeteorologicalReport2005.pdf (1.44 MB)
N7L2-1645AnnualReport2005.pdf (4.42 MB)
P-SiteWaterBalance.pdf (271.1 KB)
R-2004WaterIntakeReport.pdf (1.46 MB)
A-SNPTables.pdf (8.79 MB)
B-ContingencyPlan.pdf (1.33 MB)
F-AEMP2004.pdf (2.78 MB)
H-SeepageRpt.pdf (25.98 MB)
I-DustDepositionMonitorRpt.pdf (1.05 MB)
L-RockResearch.pdf (1.29 MB)
M-BlastEffects.pdf (859.33 KB)
R-SiteWaterBalance.pdf (293.81 KB)
2004Annual-Apr05.pdf (363.76 KB)
AnnualRptCoverLetter.pdf (48.6 KB)
C-HazMatMgmtPlan.pdf (267.85 KB)
D-WasteMgmt.pdf (720.05 KB)
E-Blast-ExplosivesMgmtPlan.pdf (287.89 KB)
G-HydrocarbonRemovalRpt.pdf (732.39 KB)
J-FishHabitatRpt.pdf (1.16 MB)
K-RegrowthResearch.pdf (343.61 KB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - 2004 Annual Report.pdf (349.89 KB)
N7L2-1645-EM-AnnualRptExtensionRequest-Mar05.pdf (349.23 KB)
TypeA-Annual_Water_Licence_Report-2003.PDF (1.16 MB)
Designs and As-Builts
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
N7L2-1645 - PKC - Phase 5 Construction Design Drawings - Coletanche Liner - Jun 1_07.pdf (419.48 KB)
N7L2-1645 - PKC - Phase 5 Construction Design Drawings - Earthworks - Jun 1_07.pdf (430.08 KB)
N7L2-1645 - PKC - Phase 5 Construction Design Drawings - Mechanical and Electrical Plan - Jun 1_07.pdf (287.05 KB)
N7L2-1645 - PKC - Phase 5 Construction Design Drawings - QAQC Plan - Jun 1_07.pdf (391.07 KB)
N7L2-1645 - PKC - Phase 5 Construction Design Drawings - Jun 1_07.pdf (15.38 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Design Basis Memorandum - Drainage Ditches and Collection Ponds - Sep 18_00.pdf (970.51 KB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Drainage Ditches and Collection Ponds - Aug 30_99.pdf (13.65 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - PKC - Updated Design Report - Drawings - Apr 17_01.pdf (14.15 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - PKC - Updated Design Report - Appendices - Apr 17_01.pdf (26.76 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - PKC - Updated Design Report - Board Decision - Aug 7_01.pdf (1.51 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Processed Kimberlite Containment Facility - Updated Design Report - Apr 17_01.pdf (13.1 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Country Rock and Till Storage Design Report - Aug 1999 - Sep 10_99.pdf (38.66 MB)
N7L2-1645 - Diavik - Country Rock and Till Storage Update Design Report - Aug 2001 - Aug 21_01.pdf (28.3 MB)
N7L2-1645-A21RevisedStampedCausewayDrawings-Aug07.pdf (326.91 KB)
N7L2-1645- NIWTP Modification- DDMI Response Table- Effluent Characterization- EM Dist Nov14-07.pdf (15.78 MB)
N7L2-1645-Pond 2 Construction - As-Built-Jul17-07.pdf (4.6 MB)
N7L2-1645- As-Built Report-Approval Letter Oct 18-07- Pond2- EM-Dist-Nov5-07.pdf (479.32 KB)
N7L2-1645-As-BuiltRpts-CorrectionToCommentDeadline3RptsIsJul20-07-Dist-Jul07.pdf (12.6 KB)
N7L2-1645-OPCP-HMMP-DDMIsChangesToRevisedPlans-CommentsDueByJul16-07-Dist-Jul07.pdf (23.89 KB)
N7L2-1645-Approval-NIDamRaiseDrawing-LtrJul3-07-Jul07.pdf (188.65 KB)
N7L2-1645-AsBuiltRpt-AppBC_TestingResults.pdf (15.58 MB)
N7L2-1645-AsBuiltRptAppA-Photos.pdf (6.22 MB)
A418DikeDesignDrawingsVolume2.pdf (4.32 MB)
A418DesignReview-Golder.pdf (647.24 KB)
NorthInletEastDike2006-Jan07.pdf (2.94 MB)
QAQCA418.pdf (3.1 MB)
N7L2-1645-Rpts-AsBuilt-Pond13-A418-PKCPhaseIV-SubmitCommentsByJul20-07-Dist-Jun07.pdf (1.08 MB)
Pond 2, 13, and 14 design drawings.pdf (14.39 MB)
N7L2-1645-HCP-A21SubmmisionReceipt-Jul07.pdf (48.59 KB)
N7L2-1645-DamRaiseNI-RevCom-DesignRpt-INAC-Jun07.pdf (88.12 KB)
N7L2-1645-NorthInletDesignRptRev-WRD-INAC-Jun13-07.pdf (2.02 MB)
N7L2-1645-RptsGeotech-AR-A418Dewatering-SummaryOfRptsRecd-2CovLtrsMay-Feb-May07.pdf (60.72 KB)
xxN7L2-1645-As-builtrpts-A418Dike-CollectionPond13-2CDs-Dist-May07.pdf (838.87 KB)
Pond 13 As-Built - Cover Letter.pdf (207.08 KB)
Pond13-SiteQA-As-builtReport-Apr07.pdf (37.72 MB)
N7L2-1645-NorthInletRaisesRpt-Mar2007-May07.pdf (9.55 MB)
N7L2-1645-As-BuiltRpt-PKCFacility-Mar19-07.pdf (15.65 MB)
N7L2-1645-Ltr-Modifications-NorthInletWTreatmentPlant-Feb06.pdf (1.77 MB)
N7L2-1645-RptVersion3-PitDeWateringPlan -Jul05.pdf (2.04 MB)
ccN7L2-1645-As-BuiltAs-Built Report - May05-Rpt-May05.pdf (223.8 KB)