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Suncor Energy Inc. - S22A-001

The purpose of this Project is to conduct abandonment and reclamation activities at Suncor's Tweed Lake M-47, Tweed Lake A-67, and Bele O-35 wellsites southwest and south of Colville Lake, Sahtu Region, Northwest Territories.  The program area consists of three leases, access road, and a laydown area.  Winter-only construction will be required for an 85 km access road linking the three well sites to Colville Lake.  The project will include the following land-use operations:    

·       Field scouting using helicopter for water sources and other environmental data

·       Surface casing vent flow, gas migration, and production casing pressure testing

·       Construction of winter access road

·       Transport of equipment to sites

·       Remediation of impacts identified, as necessary

·       Conducting downhole abandonment and cutting and capping of wellheads

·       Water diversion and erosion control features, as required

·       Selective seeding and/or tree planting of disturbed areas as required and/or approved

·       Demobilization of equipment

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Displaying 1 - 23 of 23
1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S22A-001 - Issuance letter Permit Conditions and Reasons for Decision - Aug 22_22.pdf (697.01 KB)
2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S22A-001 - Cover Letter - Table of Contents - Response Letter - May 23_22.pdf (524.32 KB)
S22A-001 - Land Use Permit Application and Fee - May 23_22.pdf (1.43 MB)
S22A-001 - Suncor Corporate Registration and SDLs - Elligibility - May 23_2022.pdf (5.4 MB)
S22A-001 - Lease and Wellsite Photos - Survey Plans - May 23_22.pdf (6.6 MB)
S22A-001 - Well Abandonment Planning Map - May 23_22.pdf (1.22 MB)
S22A-001 - Equipment - Fuel Handling - Wildlife Safety - May 23_22.pdf (3.08 MB)
S22A-001 - Proposed Schedule of Activities - May 23_22.pdf (1.02 MB)
S22A-001 - Traditional Land Use Map - May 23_22.pdf (777.16 KB)
S22A-001 - Project and Regional Study Area Maps - May 23_22.pdf (9.35 MB)
S22A-001 - Project Description Report and Environmental Protection Plan - May 23_22.pdf (1.04 MB)
S22A-001 - Security Estimate - May 23_22.xlsm (592.82 KB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S22A-001 - Suncor Tweed Lake Staff Report - Aug 5_22.pdf (2.01 MB)
S22A-001 - ORS Review Comments and Responses - Jul 27_22.pdf (4.76 MB)
S22A-001 - Suncor Abandonment Draft Permit Conditions - Jun 13_22.pdf (313.17 KB)
S22A-001 Suncor New Permit Application - Incomplete Letter - Feb 25_22.pdf (312.58 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S22A-001 - Preliminary Screening - Aug 11_22.pdf (537.92 KB)
6. Management Plans
Engagement Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S22A-001 - Engagement Plan version 2.0 and Reporting - May 23_22.pdf (457.9 KB)
Spill - Contingency - Emergency Response
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S22A-001 - Project Spill and Emergency Response Plan version 1.0 - May 23_22.pdf (1.34 MB)
S22A-001 - Suncor Corporate Emergency Response Plan and Spill Contingency Plan for the NWT - May 23_22.pdf (5.81 MB)
Waste Management Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S22A-001 - Waste Management Plan version 1.0 - May 23_22.pdf (8.54 MB)
8. Closure and Reclamation
Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
S22A-001 - Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan version 1.0 - May 23_22.pdf (9.47 MB)
9. GIS Data
GIS Data
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Suncor - GIS Shapefiles - (20.5 KB)