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Arctic Canadian Diamond Company Ltd. - W2016D0005

(The Permit was previously permitted under Permit W2008D0008 and MV2001X0072)

This Permit entitles Arctic Canadian Diamond Company Ltd. to conduct the following land-use operation for mining of and directly associated activities with the Pigeon Pit:a) the extraction of waste rock and ore from Pigeon Pit, through conventional open pit mining;b) the development and operation of site facilities;c) storage of fuel;d) construction of waste rock piles;e) construction of kimberlite ore storage pad;f) the construction of a Pigeon Stream Diversion; and
g) construction of site roads and lay down areas.
The Project is for Mining and Associated Activities at the Ekati Mine at 64°45.2’N, 110°39’.3’W.

Board approved closure of this file on October 13, 2023.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
W2016D0005 - Ekati - Pigeon Pit - Letter of Clearance - Oct 13_23.pdf (186.78 KB)
W2016D0005 - Ekati - Pigeon Pit - Land Use Permit - Final Plan - Sep 18_23.pdf (658.23 KB)
W2016D0005 - Ekati - Pigeon Pit - Land Use Permit - Final Plan - Inspectors Recommendation - Sep 21_23.pdf (711.42 KB)
W2016D0005 - Ekati - Pigeon Pit - Land Use Permit - Final Plan Request - Mar 21_23.pdf (263.93 KB)