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Arctic Canadian Diamond Company Ltd. - W2016F0006

(This Permit was previously permitted under Permits W2008F0009 and MV2001F0032)
This Permit entitles Arctic Canadian Diamond Company Ltd. to conduct the following land-use operation:The construction, operation, and maintenance of a haul road to the Pigeon and Sable Pit developments, including the construction of water crossings, caribou crossings, and the development of a spur road to access and set up facilities at Falcon Lake for the purpose of road watering.
The Project is for Mining and Associated Activities at the Ekati Mine at 110°36’39”W – 110°36’48”W, 64°44’39”N – 64°44’39”N.

Board approved closure of this file on October 13, 2023.


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances