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Equity Metals Corporation - W2019C0002

(This Permit was previsouly permitted under Permit W2011C0004).
This permit entitles Equity Metals Corporation to conduct the following activities:a) Mineral exploration including use of a camp, diamond drilling including large diameter RC drilling, winter road construction and maintenance, use of explosives, establishment of a petroleum fuel storage facility, use of vehicles and machines, and the use of equipment for trenching in the Lac de Gras area, NT.


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
New Nadina - Land Use Permit Application - Review Summary and Attachments - Aug 13_19.pdf (1.41 MB)
3. Amendment Application
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Equity Metals Corporation - LUP Amendment Request - Review Summary and Attachments - Jul 15_20.pdf (578.46 KB)