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Northwest Territories Power Corporation - W2021Q0011

This Permit entitles the Permittee to conduct the following land-use operation:a) Construction, maintenance, and use of winter roads;b) Quarrying, crushing, and stockpiling of granular material;c) Establishment and use of petroleum fuel storage facilities;d) Establishment and use of temporary satellite camps;e) Use of vehicles and equipment; andf) Use of explosives.

NTPC for Snare Hydroelectric Facility - Site Wide Type A LUPA


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5. Reports and Studies
Operations and Notifications
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
NTPC - Notification - Commencement of the Snare Winter Ice Road - Jan 31_25.pdf (3.71 MB)
NTPC - Notification - Commencement of the Snare Winter Ice Road - Feb 28_24.pdf (2.36 MB)
NTPC - Notification - Commencement of the Snare Winter Ice Road - Jan 17_23.pdf (111.87 KB)