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Tlicho Government - W2021X0001

This Permit entitles the Permittee to conduct the following land-use operation:a) Installation of a fibre optic cable;b) the use of motorized earth-drilling machinery;c) Use of fuel;d) the use of self-propelled earth-moving equipment, and vehicles and machines over 10 tons;e) Clearing of vegetation as required in the Right of Way;f) Ongoing operation and maintenance.
The Project is to build 115 kilometres of transport fibre to connect Whatì to NorthwesTel's fibre line to replace the existing microwave radios. The TASR provides a clear Right-of-Way and sufficient space for the installation of the fibre along the edge of the newly build road. 


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Tlicho Fibre Optic Project - Land Use Permit and RFD - Apr 26_21.pdf (909.64 KB)