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Diavik Diamond Mines (2012) Inc. - W2025L2-0001

This Licence entitles the Licensee to use Water, dewater a portion of Lac de Gras, and dispose of Waste, including deposition of Processed Kimberlite in the Mine Workings (A418 and A154), for the purpose of Construction, operation, closure, and Reclamation of the Diavik Diamonds Project in the Lac de Gras area of the Coppermine Watershed, Northwest Territories, as shown on Figure 2.1, (Overall Site Plan, page 13, Diavik Diamonds Project Supporting Documentation Class A Water Licence Application, August 1999) and as discussed in Section 1.3 of the Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision (EA1819-01).


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Security and Water Use Fees
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W2025L20001 - DIAVIK - Renewal WL - Fee - Jan_7_25.pdf (80.25 KB)