DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Pre-Discharge Sampling Results - Jun1_22.pdf (558.03 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification -Aggregate Material Geochemical Results - May31_22.pdf (3.5 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT -GMRP - LUI Notification - Notification of Test Pitting Actities - May26_22.pdf (247.86 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Water A1 Diversion Water Release - May27_22.pdf (5.97 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Care and Maintenance Interim Waste Disposal - Inspector Response - May 16_22.pdf (148.8 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification -Early Works Backfill Project Update - May20_22.pdf (334.87 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Notice of intent to discharge - May16_22.pdf (138.96 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Early Works Backfill Access Road Construction -May25_22.pdf (1.05 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Care and Maintenance Interim Waste Disposal - May13_22.pdf (100.87 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Baker Creek Overflow Pause in Work - May10_22.pdf (80.94 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Weekly Construction Report - Baker Creek Overflow - Apr29_22.pdf (796.04 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Tire Shredding - Apr27_22.pdf (300.16 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP -Weekly Construction Report - Baker Creek Overflow - Apr21_22.pdf (1.65 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Weekly Construction Report - Baker Creek Overflow - Apr14_22.pdf (761.39 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Additives -Apr13_22.pdf (1.29 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Tire Shredding - Apr11_22.pdf (510.28 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Brock Pit Roadway Construction - Apr8_22.pdf (543.24 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Water Overflowing Baker Creek - Arp8_22.pdf (446.43 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Weekly Construction Report - Baker Creek Overflow - Apr7_22.pdf (597.3 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Weekly Construction Report for Baker Creek Overflow - Mar24_22.pdf (740.4 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Weekly Construction Report for Baker Creek Overflow and Correspondence - Mar7_22.pdf (2.52 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Water Overflowig Baker Creek - Inspector Response - Feb2_22.pdf (191.62 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Water Overflowing Baker Creek - Work Plan - Feb2_22.pdf (1.58 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Water Overflowing Baker Creek - Feb1_22.pdf (696.08 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Authorization Temporary Waste Storage -Feb1_22.pdf (325.84 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Request to Authorize Temporar Waste Storage - Response - Feb1_22.pdf (162.55 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Additives - Jan7_22.pdf (708.5 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Early Works Backfill Start of Project - Dec16_21.pdf (326.9 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Aggregate Material Geochemical Results - Dec14_21.pdf (1.87 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - EW Drilling Notice of Change - Dec9_21.pdf (2 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - AR1 Freeze Pad Update of scheduled drilling and blasting - Dec13_21.pdf (135.47 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Off-Site Waste Facility 2022 - Acceptance Letter -Dec3_21.pdf (797.66 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - AR-1 Freeze Pad Non-compliance - Dec2_21.pdf (142.03 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - AR-1 Freeze Pad Decontamination Area - Nov30_21.pdf (300.92 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill - Update - Nov30_21.pdf (161.51 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Early Works Backfill Sampling - Oct25_21.pdf (294.92 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Authorization of Waste Storage Areas - Oct22_21.pdf (326.42 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT- GMRP - Request for Authorization of Waste Storage Areas - Inspector Response - Oct22_21.pdf (149.25 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - A1 8-inch Pipeline Upgrade - Oct25_21.pdf (383.8 KB) |
GMRP - LUI Notification - Northwest Pump Installation - Oct25_21.pdf (135.2 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Chemical Approval Request - Oct22_21.pdf (1.04 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Oct6_21.pdf (9.43 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Early Works Drilling - Oct6_21.pdf (604.99 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Authorization of Storage Area and Veg Removal - Oct6_21.pdf (5.42 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - NHWL Update - Road Reconstruction - Sept29_21.pdf (277.02 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Site-Wide Test Pitting - Update - Sept28_21.pdf (2.91 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Site Wide Test Pitting - Sep27_21.pdf (2.32 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - AR-1 Freeze Pad - NOTICE OF BLASTING - Sept24_21.pdf (150.52 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Planned sump location for soil pile 2 - Sept16_21.pdf (862.49 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - AR-1 Freeze Pad - NOTICE OF BLASTING - Sep15_21.pdf (150.52 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Pipe Excavation - Sept7_21.pdf (482.54 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill - Update - Sep7_21.pdf (1.68 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification -Effluent Treatment Plan - Cessation of Discharge - Sep8_21.pdf (135.66 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Notification - Blasting Activities - Sep3_21.pdf (83.44 KB) |
GMRP - LUI Notification - AR-1 Freeze Pad Construction - Aug20_21.pdf (677.35 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - 2021 Annual Geotechnical Inspection for Giant Mine Dams - Aug11_21.pdf (17.44 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Waster Transfer Facility - Aug11_21.pdf (439.95 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification -Request for Approval Response- Aggregate Supply for Early Works Projects - Aug11_21.pdf (224.93 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Approval - Aggregate Supply for Early Works Projects - Aug10_21.pdf (723.42 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Power Service Interruption - Aug6_21.pdf (134.48 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Authorization Waste Temporary Storage - Jul21_21.msg (145 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Request for Authorization Waste Temporary Storage - Jul20_21.pdf (251.59 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Power Line Relocation -Jul15_21.pdf (348.84 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Effluent Treatment Plant Start-Up - Final Report - Jul12_21.pdf (2.09 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill - Start of Work Update - Email Communication - Jul6_21.pdf (281.41 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification - Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill - Start of Work Update and Request - Letter - Jul6_21.pdf (1.3 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - LUI Notification 476721-0051 Northwest Pond HDPE Line Update - Jun30_21.pdf (283.3 KB) |
DIAND-GIANT - Effluent Treatment Plant Start-Up Sample Results - Acute Toxicity Follow-up and Correspondence - Jun28_21.pdf (914.93 KB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Notification - Winter Drilling Update - Jun28-21.pdf (4.12 MB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Notification Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill - Start of Work - Jun21-21.pdf (743.93 KB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Notification Effluent Treatment Plant Start-Up - Jun21-21.pdf (144.89 KB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - LUI Notification - Monitoring Wells - June11-21.pdf (49.31 MB) |
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Notification - Off-Site Borrow - Inspector Approval Correspondence - June4_21.pdf (692.42 KB) |
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Notification - ETP Baghouse Removal - May28-21.pdf (92.08 KB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Notification - Northwest Pond HDPE Line - May31-21.pdf (243.25 KB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Early Works Drilling Program Notification - May7-21.pdf (116.54 KB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Giant Mine Remediation Project Newsletter - May7-21.pdf (131.02 KB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Winter Drilling Progress - Apr6-21.pdf (108.51 KB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Inspector Comments RE Winter Drilling Progress - Apr6-21.pdf (189.88 KB) |
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Settling Pond Sludge Removal - Notice and Inspector Approval - Mar18-21.pdf (32.21 MB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Inspector Notification and Approval Request - Aggregate Use - Storage - Mar18-21.pdf (23.95 MB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Power Pole Relocation Request and Inspector Approval - Mar17-21.pdf (26.8 MB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Winter Drilling Schedule - Mar8-21.pdf (110.38 KB) |
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Baker Pond and Mill Pond Winter Drilling Locations Notification - Feb 23-21.pdf (1.49 MB) |
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Winter Drilling Program - Notification - Feb 5-21.pdf (192.74 KB) |
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Winter Drilling Update - Feb5-21.pdf (108.98 KB) |
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - 2021 Winter Investigation Drilling Maps - Feb5-21.pdf (22.13 MB) |
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - McCrea Notification of Intent to file Claim for Water Compensation - July21-19.pdf (155.24 KB) |
MV2019X0007- DIAND-GIANT - Outline of the Legislative Framework for Water Compensation Claims - Jun28-19.pdf (600.45 KB) |
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Notification from the Giant Mine Remediation Project - Apr4-19.pdf (55.8 KB) |