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​Reclamation and closure of the former Giant Mine Site. The Land Use Permit is in support of the Water Licence MV2007L8-0031

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6. Management Plans
AdMP - Adaptive Management Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP – AR1 Freeze Area Construction Plan - Staff Report - Aug13_21.pdf (175.68 KB)
Assorted Management Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GMRP - Arsenic Trioxide Frozen Shell MMP Version 2.0 - May6_24.pdf (12.32 MB)
GMRP - Arsenic Trioxide Frozen Shell MMP Cover Letter Version 2.0 - May6_24.pdf (114.68 KB)
GMRP – Revisions Required - Dust Management and Monitoring Plan V3.0 - Apr26_23.pdf (194.28 KB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Response to MVLWB Direction on NHWL Design Plan Version 1.0 - Dec17_21.pdf (176.67 KB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill Design Plan - Cover Letter - Dec17_21.pdf (496.63 KB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill Design Plan - Version 1.1 - Dec17_21.pdf (14.89 MB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP – Underground Stabilization Construction Plan - Staff Report - Aug13_21.pdf (174.39 KB)
DIAND-GIANT - GRMP - Acknowledgment - UG Stabilization Construction Plan - Aug13_21.pdf (127.14 KB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP – Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill Construction Plan - Staff Report - Aug13_21.pdf (177.62 KB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Acknowledgment - Non-Hazardous Waste Construction Plan - Aug13_21.pdf (126.07 KB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Acknowledgement - AR1 Freeze Area Construction Plan - Aug13_21.pdf (126.27 KB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Dust MMP - Version 2.1 - Staff Confirmation of Conformity - Jul6_21.pdf (127.35 KB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.2 - Staff Confirmation of Conformity - Jul6_21.pdf (134.2 KB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Part 1 - V1.2 - Jul2_21.pdf (11.41 MB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Part 5 - App C - V1.2 - Jul2_21.pdf (15.82 MB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Part 8 - App E - V1.2 - Jul2_21.pdf (13.53 MB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Part 10 - App G - V1.2 - Jul2_21.pdf (18.78 MB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Part 2 - App B1 - V1.2 - Jul2_021.pdf (24.29 MB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Part 3 - App B1 - V1.2 - Jul2_21.pdf (16.22 MB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Part 6 - App C - V1.2 - Jul2_21.pdf (17.76 MB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Part 7 - App D - V1.2 - Jul2_21.pdf (10.58 MB)
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Part 9 - App F - V1.2 - Jul2_21.pdf (20.25 MB)
DIAND-GIANT - Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP - Version 1.2 - Staff Confirmation of Conformity - Jun30_21.pdf (128.49 KB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Link to Traffic MMP - Jun28-21.pdf (101.41 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 CIRNAC - GMRP Dust MMP v2 - Staff Report and Comments - Jun17_21.pdf (2.73 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Dust MMP V2 - Resubmission Required - Jun4-21.pdf (457.05 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Resubmission Required - Underground Design Plan Version 1 - May20-21.pdf (555.28 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Arsenic Trioxide MMP - V.1.1 - May28-21.pdf (8.55 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Arsenic Trioxide MMP and Freeze DP - V1.0 - Comment Response Table - May28-21.pdf (150.36 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Cover Letter - Resubmission of Arsenic Trioxide MMP and Freeze DP - May28-21.pdf (133.29 KB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Dust MMP - Response to City of Yellowknife April 6 letter - Apr27-21.pdf (198.55 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Interim Approval - ATM Plan V1.0 and Freeze Containment Plan V1.0 - Apr13-21.pdf (441.89 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - City of Yellowknife Letter RE GMRP Dust MMP Version 2.0 - Apr7-21.pdf (1.98 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT -GMRP Annual Review of Plans for 2021 - Mar31-21.pdf (124.18 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0008 - DIAND-GIANT - Review Comment Extension Request - Underground Design Plan -Mar23-21.pdf (83.08 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Extension to Review Comment Deadline on Underground Design Plan - Approved - Mar23-21.pdf (145.12 KB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Dust MMP Version 2.0 - Cover Letter - Mar15-21.pdf (121.62 KB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Dust MMP - Pre-Engagement Comment Responses - Mar15-21.pdf (233.6 KB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Dust MMP - Version 2.0 - Mar15-21.pdf (11.08 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.0 - Cover Letter - Mar1-21.pdf (109.82 KB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.0 - Part 1 - Mar1-21.pdf (11.27 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.0 - Part 2 - Appendix B - Mar1-21.pdf (28.25 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.0 - Part 3 - Appendix B - Mar1-21.pdf (10.87 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.0 - Part 5 - Appendix C - Mar1-21.pdf (15.51 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.0 - Part 4 - Appendix C - Mar1-21.pdf (17.92 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.0 - Part 6 - Appendix D - Mar1-21.pdf (10.46 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.0 - Part 7 - Appendix E - Mar1-21.pdf (13.36 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.0 - Part 8 - Appendix F - Mar1-21.pdf (20.18 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.0 - Part 9 - Appendix G - Mar1-21.pdf (18.64 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Underground Design Plan - Version 1.0 - Part 10 - Appendix H - Mar1-21.pdf (24.76 MB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Borrow Materials and Explosives MMP - Response to Pre-engagement Comments - Mar1-21.pdf (233.89 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - CIRNAC-GIANT - Spill and Engagement Plans - Boards Decision - Feb12-21.pdf (593.81 KB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Cover Letter - Arsenic Management and Monitoring Plan - Ver.1.0 - Jan25-21.pdf (93.54 KB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Cover Letter - Design Plan for Freeze Containment Program - V.1.0- Jan25-21.pdf (80.27 KB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Design Plan for Freeze Containment Program -V.1.0 - Part 2 - Jan25-21.pdf (29.91 MB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Design Plan for Freeze Containment Program - V.1.0 - Part 5 - Jan25-21.pdf (25.37 MB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Pre-engagment Comment Response Table for Arsenic Monitoring and Management Plan - Jan25-21.pdf (213.26 KB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Arsenic Trioxide Management and Monitoring Plan - V.1.0 - Jan25-21.pdf (5.77 MB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Design Plan for Freeze Containment Program - V. 1.0 - Part1 - Jan25-21.pdf (16.52 MB)
MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Design Plan for Freeze Containment Program - V.1.0 - Part 3 - Jan25-21.pdf (14.61 MB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Design Plan for Freeze Containment Program -V.1.0 - Part 4 - Jan25-21.pdf (26.63 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - CIRNAC-GIANT - Correspondence Re Off-Site Borrow Required for Phase 1 - Sept11-20.pdf (158.85 KB)
MV2019X0007 - CIRNAC-GIANT - Name Change Notification to MVLWB January 20 2020 - Jan22-20.pdf (47.55 KB)
Engagement Plan
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
DIAND-GIANT - GMRP - Approval - Engagement Plan V3.1 - Aug30_22.pdf (172.34 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - GMRP Engagement Plan Version 2.1 - Cover Letter - Mar31-21.pdf (120.27 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Engagement Plan Version 2.1 - Confirmation of Conformity - Mar31-21.pdf (142.62 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X007 - DIAND-GIANT - Engagement Plan Version 2.0 - Board Directive Responses - Mar31-21.pdf (194.34 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Engagement Plan Version 2.1 - Mar31-21.pdf (1.97 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - CIRNAC-GMRP - Engagement Plan - Version 2.0 - Dec16-20.pdf (8.33 MB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - New LUP Application - Engagement Plan - Apr1-19.pdf (11.08 MB)
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - New LUP App - Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat Monitoring and Management Plan - Apr1-19.pdf (1.32 MB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - New LUP Application - Tailings Management and Monitoring Plan - Apr1-19.pdf (8.93 MB)
Sediment and Erosion Control
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GMRP -Erosion and Sediment MMP V3.1 - Cover Letter - Apr10_24.pdf (444.67 KB)
GMRP– Erosion and Sediment Management and Monitoring Plan – Version 3.1 – Apr10_24.pdf (12.83 MB)
GMRP - Erosion and Sediment MMP V3.1 - Confirmation of Conformity - Staff - Apr12_24.pdf (148.06 KB)
GMRP – Revisions Required - Erosion and Sediment Management and Monitoring Plan V3.0 - Mar 19_24.pdf (408.58 KB)
GMRP – Erosion and Sediment Management and Monitoring Plan Version 3.0 - Review Comment Table - Mar 14_24.pdf (428.42 KB)
GMRP – Erosion and Sediment Management and Monitoring Plan – Version 3.0 – Dec4_23.pdf (12.85 MB)
GMRP - Erosion and Sediment Management and Monitoring Plan - Version 3.0 - Cover letter- Dec4_23.pdf (424.49 KB)
DIAND-GIANT - Erosion and Sediment MMP - Version 2.1 - Staff Confirmation of Conformity - Jul2_21.pdf (127.86 KB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Erosion and Sediment MMP - Version 2.1 - Jun24-21.pdf (9.43 MB)
MV2019X0007 MV2007L8-0031 - DIAND-GIANT - Erosion and Sediment MMP - Version 2.1 - Cover letter - Jun24-21.pdf (101.09 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - Erosion and Sediment MMP - Version 2.0 - Comment Response Table - Jun24-21.pdf (151.69 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 CIRNAC - GMRP Erosion and Sediment MMP v2 - Staff Report and Comments - Jun17_21.pdf (787.95 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Sediment and Erosion MMP V2 - Resubmission Required - Jun4-21.pdf (459.64 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Erosion and Sediment MMP - Cover Letter - Mar24-21.pdf (140.29 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Erosion and Sediment MMP - Responses to Pre-engagement Comments - Mar24-21.pdf (238.22 KB)
MV2007L8-0031 MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - GMRP Erosion and Sediment MMP - Version 2.0 - Mar23-21.pdf (9.41 MB)
MV2019X0007 - DIAND-GIANT - New LUP App - Erosion and Sediment Management and Monitoring Plan - Apr1-19.pdf (3.11 MB)
Spill - Contingency - Emergency Response
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GMRP - Emergency Management and Spill Response Plan - Revision 1 - Acknowledged - Aug7_24.pdf (536 KB)
GMRP - Emergency Management and Spill Response Plan - Revision 1 - June12_24.pdf (3.64 MB)
GMRP - Emergency Management and Spill Response Plan - Rev 1 - June12_24.pdf (3.64 MB)
GMRP - Emergency Management and Spill Response Plan - Cover Letter - Jun6_23.pdf (84.78 KB)